
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: Management Information System (M.I.S.) isbasically concerned with processing data into information. Data collection involves the use of Information Technology (IT)
Voice Mail, Internet, telephone, Quantitative and qualitative data collection,Storage and retrieval, special features are the speed of And accuracy, and a large amount of storage Data. Means to provide telecommunications One way or two-way communication for Message transmission. A combination of IT Is used: telephone, computer, printer, processor,There are a lot of time and money saved, etc. To ensure the safety of data and messages. A Management Information System (MIS) that enables Provided in response to managers of businessesPursuit of knowledge.
                 MIS does this by The combination of raw data about the organization Operation (the basic information contained in With information technology) system collects Expert systems to reflect the staff Organization processes. Before widespread use of computers, many Organizations have found difficulties in the House,Storing, organizing, and large distribution Amount of data and information. Development Computer technology made possible Information they require managers to select As best suited to your needs and time They want. This information must be present In many cases, many people need At the same time. If accurate, brief,Timely, complete, well presented and collectable. Most companies today rely on IT. But Personal (PC) will not own a computer Only: to improve organizational productivity Effectively. In place to upgrade Technical systems need to collect and sort Data and employee information can be expensive As long as senior management, especially the CFO, Purchase of basic control systems Needed by the different functional areas
                                        Information system is the mechanism for Ensure that information is available for Managers in the form they want it and when It needs. It is designed to support their work Providing relevant information to them through Decision making. Computer system can clearly Assist in the processing of data in organizations Accurate, well presented, up to date and cost-effective Information. Weather information that Too short, relevant, timely and complete Will depend largely on the capabilities of The processing and those involved in the selection. Duration of the Management Information System (MIS) U.S. Navy made its first appearance in the report The use of computers to a single building Integrates all the naval resources management system. The idea spread rapidly throughout MIS Administrative system to encourage community Followed by a flurry of reports and conferences Sponsored by the American Management Association.
                           MIS is a "data" system Because the managers, because it did not Full of information in the technical sense, though As soon as the idea of ​​blurring the distinction MIS Spread. Each MIS system, which provides Information for the managerial activities Organization. Of about a decade, to Introduced in 1959 to the end of the 1960s, the Spread rapidly and very broad definition of MIS Was supported by industrial corporations, Consultants, academic researchers, management,Writer, and computer manufacturers. The term "management information System "(MIS) computerbased has become synonymous with Systems. Broadly used, it is seen as All information is satisfactory system Managers.
                                      MIS is the first study to provide People to make choices about which information Valuable resources at one time in nature, Least accurate, and complete manner Acquisition of cognitive and economic cost,Processing, storage and retrieval. Other Definition emphasizes the use to whichInformation is put, rather than the way it is Production: "An internal change to the data and systems External sources of information and Communicate information in a suitable Managers, all actions at all levels in the form Enable them to make timely and effective Planning, directing and controlling the decision Activities for which they are Is responsible. "(B & B, 1999) other; However, given the more limited scope. They see it As a system of data collection and analysis and Report production. Its purpose is to help Managers to solve structured problems. But It also must meet a number of other purposes:

• This analysis should provide a basis for Warning signs that can lead to both External and internal, it is The main function of the data base;

• The need to automate routine operations Thus avoiding the human effort Processing functions; It should assist management in making Routine decisions;

 MIS AND DECISION-MAKING:   Management Information System (MIS) Basically concerned with the process of Collecting, processing, storage and transmission Relevant information to support management Working in any organization. Thus, the Decision-making success, which is the heart of Administrative process is highly dependent Partially available information, and partly on Functions that are components of the process.
For example, if managerial objectives are absent Or is unclear, perhaps due to insufficient
Information, there is no basis for a search. Information obtained through a search without
There are no alternatives to compare, and without A comparison of the preferred option
Particular course of action is unlikely to produce The desired results. (1997) Alabi, according toCan be discovered through:

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